Featured Artists

In our Featured Artists pages, we shine a monthly spotlight on new or special works by artists bringing unique perspectives to Charleston's art scene. Featured Artists pages are available to view for up to one year.

Gloria Jean Pennington | Dot Painting

This month's theme features artist Gloria Jean Pennington's special technique of Dot Painting--creating color and form on canvas by juxtaposing dots of pure color.

Awyn Danielle Milam | Hearts and Flowers

Danielle Awyn Milam's Hearts and Flowers exhibit presents fresh floral studies in watercolor, and some favorite oil portraits her loved ones befitting the theme of February.

Gloria Jean Pennington | Dot Painting

This month's theme features artist Gloria Jean Pennington's special technique of Dot Painting--creating color and form on canvas by juxtaposing dots of pure color. ...more

Featured Artists

March 04, 20251 min read

Gloria Jean Pennington | Dot Painting

Discover Hidden Gems at Gallery Eleven

1021 Charleston Town Center

(on 1st floor, near center court)

Open WED - SAT 11AM-7PM, SUN 12:30-5:30PM

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